Carson City
Carson City Airport is used regularly by private and air taxi operators and is an important hub for business.
LEARN MOREArchived Bid Documents/Contracts
Bidders are responsible for review of entire Bid Document and submittal of all documents required.
Carson City Parks, Recreation and Open Space Department Signage Master Plan
Request for Qualifications
RFQ No. 1718-009
Addendum 1718-009
BID No. 1718-012
PWP #2017-209
1718-012 Addendum #1
1718-012 Bid Tab Detail
Senior Center Floor Repairs and Ventilation Project
1415-132 Kings Canyon Road Drainage & Sidewalk Improvements -Re-Bid
Engineer's Estimate: $85,000
Bid Opening: October 27, 2015 @ 11:10am
Bid Opening Changed: October 29, 2015 @11:10am See Addendum #2
Award to ARMAC Construction for $89,430.
Carson City is accepting sealed bids for all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary for the Kings Canyon Road Drainage & Sidewalk Improvements. The project consists of install 410 feet of curb/gutter, sidewalk, earthwork, signs, and striping. The project includes all common phases of construction customarily associated with this type of project. Sealed bids must be submitted in accordance with the bid documents, drawings and plans, specifications and special conditions related hereto.
1415-132 Bid Doc 1415-132 Bid Plans 1415-132 Addendum No. 1 Addendum 2
1415-132 2nd release Plan Holders List 10-26-15 1415-132 2nd Release Bid Tab
ARMAC Proposal Justin Wilson Construction Proposal MKD Construction Proposal
1516-033 Eagle Creek Bridge Project
Engineer's Estimate: $75,000
Pre-bid Conference: September 9, 2015 @ 2:00pm at 1466 Empire Ranch Road
Bid Opening: September 28, 2015 @ 11:10am
Award to Justin Wilson Construction -$86,702.50
Carson City is accepting sealed bids for all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary for the Eagle Creek Bridge Project. The Eagle Valley Creek Bridge Project consists of an approximately 300 foot extension of an existing pedestrian trail, construction of new abutments and installation of a City furnished pre-manufactured bridge and the construction of two culverts. Work includes but is not limited to dewatering, footing excavation, construction of concrete forms, placement of reinforcing steel, pouring concrete, bridge placement, site grading, culvert construction, re-vegetation and site restoration. This project is funded by SNPLMA money. The Contractor must follow the Buy America provisions of 49 U.S.C. 5323(j) and 49 C.F.R. Part 661.The project includes all common phases of construction customarily associated with this type of project. Sealed bids must be submitted in accordance with the bid documents, drawings and plans, specifications and special conditions related hereto.
1516-033 Bid Doc 1516-033 Eagle Creek Bridge 1516-033 Contech Bridge Design
1516-033 Abutment Structural Plans
1516-033 Pre bid meeting sign in Addendum 1 1516-033 Plan Holders List 1516-033 Bid Tab
Facilities Management Proposal Justin Wilson Construction Proposal
1516-029 South Division Street Road Improvement Project
Engineer's Estimate: $290,000 PWP#CC-2015-262
Bid Opening: September 10, 2015 @ 11:10am
Recommendation for award: SNC Construction - September 21, 2015- $276,007.00
Carson City is accepting sealed bids for all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary for the South Division Street Road Improvements Project. The South Division Street Road Improvements Project consists of repaving approximately 35,000 square feet of asphalt as well as removing and replacing curb and gutter, sidewalk, ramps, and driveways. This project is funded by FTA money and therefore has an overall goal for DBE participation of 0.34% The Contractor must follow the Buy America provisions of 49 U.S.C. 5323(j) and 49 C.F.R. Part 661.The project includes all common phases of construction customarily associated with this type of project. Sealed bids must be submitted in accordance with the bid documents, drawings and plans, specifications and special conditions related hereto.
1516-029 Bid Doc. 1516-029 Bid Set Plans 1516-029 Plan Holders List 9-9-15
Addendum 1 Addendum 2 Bid Tab detailed 1516-029 A & K Earth Movers Proposal
1516-029 SNC Proposal 1516-029 Spanish Springs Construction Proposal
1516-029 MKD Construction Proposal
1415-143 Animal Services Facility 2nd Release
Engineer's Estimate: $3,350,000 PWP#CC-2015-116
Bid Opening: August 28, 2015 @ 11:10 a.m.
Recommendation for award: Shaheen Beauchamp Builders LLC - September 17, 2015 - $3,063,000.00 with a 10% contingency of $306,300.00 for a not to exceed amount of $3,369,300.00.
Carson City is accepting sealed bids for all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary for the Carson City Animal Services Facility project. The Carson City Animal Services Facility Project consists of a 10,183 square feet building on a 1.5 acre site, including street frontage improvements. The project includes all common phases of construction customarily associated with this type of project. Sealed bids must be submitted in accordance with the bid documents, drawings and plans, specifications and special conditions related hereto.
1415-143 Bid Document Animal Service Facility 2nd Release 1415-143 Bid Plans 1 of 4
1415-143 Bid plans 2 of 4 1415-143 Bid Plans 3 of 4 1415-143 Bid Plans 4 of 4
1415-143 Plan Holders List 8-14-15 2 1415-143 Addendum 1 1415-143 Addendum 2
1415-143 Addendum 3 1415-143 2nd Release Bid Tab
1415-143 Shaheen Beauchamp Proposal 1415-143 K7 Construction Proposal
1415-143 Bison Construction Proposal 1415-143 Geney Gassiot Proposal
1415-143 B & H Construction Proposal 1415-143 Reyman Brothers Proposal
1415-143 Ranger Construction Proposal
1516-015 East West Transmission Main Ph. 2A-2
Project Estimate: $1,600,000 PWP# CC-2015-247
Bid Opening: August 31, 2015 @ 11:10 a.m.
Recommendation for award: Sierra Nevada Construction, Inc. - September 17, 2015 - $1,556,007.00 with a 10% contingency of $155,600.00 for a total of $1,711,607.00.
Carson City is accepting sealed bids for all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary for The East West Water Transmission Main Project – Phase 2A-2. The project consists of installation of approximately 2,900 lf of 24” water main and related appurtenances, installation of approximately 35 lf of 16” water main and related appurtenances, installation of an approximately 2,830 lf conduit bank with pull string, construction storm drain appurtenances, construction of sidewalk, curb ramps and curb and gutter, approximately 49,700 sf of roadway reconstruction, approximately 6,251 sf of mill and overlay as well as asphalt and concrete patching. The project includes all common phases of construction customarily associated with this type of project. The project federally funded and is subject to Davis Bacon Wage Requirements, the American Iron and Steel (AIS) provisions of P.L. 113-76, Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2014. Compliance with 40 CFR Part 33, Participation by Disadvantaged Business Enterprises in United States Environmental Protection Agency Programs is required. Please refer to Attachment D for goals, procedures that must be followed and forms that must be submitted with bids. Sealed bids must be submitted in accordance with the bid documents, drawings and plans, specifications and special conditions related hereto.
1516-015 Complete Bid Document 1516-015 Bid Plan Set 1516-015 Geo-tech Report
1516-015 Plan Holders List 8-28-15
1516-015 Addendum No.1 Addendum 2 Addendum 2 plan sheet Addendum No. 3
1516-015 Bid Tab 1516-015 SNC Proposal 1516-015 A & K Earth Movers Proposal
1516-015 Peek Brothers Proposal 1516-015 Spanish Springs Construction Proposal
1516-015 MKD Construction Proposal
1516-014 Carson City Fiber Optic - Dispatch to Public Works and Community Center to Public Works
Project Estimate: $230,000 PWP# CC-2015-245
Bid Opening: August 17, 2015 @ 11:10 a.m.--Date change see Addendum 2
Recommendation to award: Curtis and Sons, Inc.- September 3, 2015 - $290,203.50 with a 10% contingency of $29,020.35 for a total not to exceed amount of $319,223.85.
Carson City is accepting sealed bids for all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary for The Carson City Fiber Optic Project, Dispatch Center to Public Works and Community Center to Public Works Project. The project consists of placing approximately 45,000 feet of fiber 5,000 feet of 4” conduit, and 8 pull boxes. The project includes all common phases of construction customarily associated with this type of project. Sealed bids must be submitted in accordance with the bid documents, drawings and plans, specifications and special conditions related hereto.
1516-014 Complete Bid Documents 1516-014 Bid Plan Set 1516-014 Plan Holders List 7-22-15
1516-014 Addendum 1 1516-014 Addendum 2 1516-014 Addendum 3 1516-014 Fiber Optic Bid Tab 1516-014 Curtis & Sons Bid Proposal 1516-014 PAR Electrical Bid Proposal
1415-213 Material Testing & Special Inspections
RFP Response Submittal: July 27, 2015 at 4:00 p.m.
Mandatory Pre-submittal Meeting: July 14, 2015 10 a.m.
Carson City invites qualified firms to submit proposals for Material Testing & Special Inspections for a $29 million dollar project, titled the Water Resource Recovery Facility Improvements – Phase 1A. Proposals shall be submitted in accordance with the Documents and Requirements as set forth in the formal "Request for Proposals."
1415-213 RFP Document Pre-submittal Meeting sign in sheet
1415-189 Mountain Street Utility Rehabilitation Project
Project Estimate: $1,950,000 PWP# CC-2015-212
Bid Opening: July 8, 2015 @11:10 a.m.
Recommendation for award: Sierra Nevada Construction - August 6, 2015 - $1,865,007
Carson City is accepting sealed bids for all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary for the Mountain Street Utility Rehabilitation Project. The project consists on abandoning existing sewer and water main, installing new sewer and water mains, replacing existing water services, re-routing existing sewer laterals, and re-routing residents sewer lines in order to connect them to the re-routed sewer laterals. This project also includes asphalt patching and paving, replacement of concrete flatwork, and removal and replacement of existing landscaping and improvements around the utility work. The project is subject to the American Iron and Steel (AIS) provisions of P.L. 113-76, Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2014. Compliance with 40 CFR Part 33, Participation by Disadvantaged Business Enterprises in United States Environmental Protection Agency Programs is required. The project includes all common phases of construction customarily associated with this type of project. Sealed bids must be submitted in accordance with the bid documents, drawings and plans, specifications and special conditions related hereto.
1415-189 Complete Bid Document 1415-189 Plan Set 1 of 2 1415-189 Plan Set 2 of 2
1415-189 Plan Holders List 1415-189 Prebid Sign-in 1415-189 Addendum 1
1415-189 Addendum 2 1415-189 Addendum 3 1415-189 Complete Bid Tab
Sierra Nevada Construction Bid Response Q&D Const. Bid Response
A&K Earth Movers Bid Response Schauer Excavation Bid Response
Spanish Springs Const. Bid Response
1415-183 Little Lane Street Improvement Project
Project Estimate: $250,000 PWP# CC-2015-208
Bid Opening: June 22, 2015 @ 11:10 a.m.
Recommendation for award: A&K Earth Movers - July 16, 2015 - $234,000.00
Carson City is accepting sealed bids for all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary for the Little Lane Street Improvement Project. The Little Lane Street Improvements Project consists of removing the existing asphalt and base/subgrade on Little Lane between Janas Way and Saliman and constructing a new 4” AC on 8” type 2 base roadway section. This project also includes removal and replacement of existing non-compliant access ramps as well as adjusting utilities, striping the road, and extending a storm drain pipe. The project includes all common phases of construction customarily associated with this type of project. Sealed bids must be submitted in accordance with the bid documents, drawings and plans, specifications and special conditions related hereto.
1415-183 Complete Bid Document 1415-183 Plan Set 1415-183 Plan Holders List
1415-183 Complete Bid Tab A&K Earth Movers Bid Response Sierra Nevada Construction Bid Response Don Garcia Excavating Bid Response Desert Engineering Bid Response
1415-179 2015 Long Line Striping Program
Project Estimate: $145,000 PWP# CC-2015-204
Bid Opening: June 18, 2015 @4:10 p.m.
Recommendation for award: Diversified Striping - July 16, 2015 - $128,810.00
The Carson City 2015 Long Line Striping Project consists of placing approximately 1,087,000 linear feet of painted pavement markings using Nevada Type II water based paint, removal of approximately 4,200 linear feet of existing painted pavement markings prior to restriping, sand sealing if necessary, layout, traffic control, and all other incidentals need to complete project. Project includes all common phases of construction customarily associated with this type of project. Bids must be submitted in accordance with this Bid document.
1415-179 Bid Document 1415-179 Plan Set 1415-179 Complete Bid Tab
Diversified Striping Bid Response Intermountain Slurry Seal Bid Response
1415-136 East Williams Street Shared Use Path Project
Project Estimate: $162,000 PWP# CC-2015-144
Bid Opening: June 16, 2015 @10:10 a.m.
Carson City is accepting sealed bids for all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary for the above referenced Project. The project consists of constructing approximately 12,500 square feet of concrete path, curb and gutter, asphalt concrete patch, drainage pipe, electrical conduit, ramps, striping, and signage. Project includes all common phases of construction customarily associated with this type of project. Bids must be submitted in accordance with this Bid document.
1415-136 Bid Document 1415-136 Plan Set 1415-136 Plan Holders List
1415-136 Complete Bid Tab Coons Construction Bid Response A&K Earth Movers Bid Response
1415-171 Clear Creek Avenue Sanitary Sewer Extension
Project Estimate: $950,000 PWP# CC-2015-177
Bid Opening: May 27, 2015 @11:10 a.m.
Recommendation for award: A&K Earthmovers - June 18, 2015 - $876,000.00
Carson City is accepting sealed bids for all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary for the Clear Creek Sanitary Sewer Extension Project. The project consists of constructing approximately, 2,500 lineal feet of sewer line, and 1700 lineal feet of storm sewer, 700 lineal feet of water line as well as their associated appurtenances. This project also includes pulverizing the existing road and placing approximately 64,000 square feet of new asphalt as well as curb and gutter, driveway aprons, spandrel and valley gutter, and pedestrian curb ramps. The project includes all common phases of construction customarily associated with this type of project. Sealed bids must be submitted in accordance with the bid documents, drawings and plans, specifications and special conditions related hereto.
1415-171 Bid Document 1415-171 Bid Plans 1415-171 Plan Holders List 5-21-15
A&K Earthmovers Bid Response Herback General Bid Response V&C Construction Bid Response SNC Bid Response Peek Brothers Bid Response Coons Construction Bid Response
1415-169 Long Street Pedestrian Improvements
Project Estimate: $136,000 PWP# CC-2015-172
Bid Opening: May 27, 2015 @9:10 a.m.
Recommendation for award: Justin Wilson Construction, LLC - June 10, 2015 - $147,924.00
Carson City is accepting sealed bids for all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary for the Long Street Pedestrian Improvements Project. Project consists of removal and replacement of curb and gutter, driveway, and sidewalk, as well as construction of pedestrian ramps, asphalt patching, relocation of water meters and utility adjustments. The project is subject to the American Iron and Steel (AIS) provisions of P.L. 113-76, Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2014. Compliance with 40 CFR Part 33, Participation by Disadvantaged Business Enterprises in United States Environmental Protection Agency Programs is required. The project includes all common phases of construction customarily associated with this type of project. Sealed bids must be submitted in accordance with the bid documents, drawings and plans, specifications and special conditions related hereto.
1415-169 Complete Bid Document 1415-169 Bid Plans 1415-169 Plan Holders List
1415-169 Addendum-1 1415-169 Complete Bid Tab VWC Bid Proposal Four Point Bid Response
1415-165 Combs Canyon Road Curb Improvements
Project Estimate: $125,000 PWP# CC-2015 171
Bid Opening: May 26, 2015 @11:10 a.m.
Recommendation: Reject all bids - Rebid due to funding constraints.
Carson City is accepting sealed bids for all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary for the Combs Canyon Road Curb and Gutter Improvements Project which consists of construction of approximately 1,700 feet of frontage improvements on Combs Canyon Road. Work includes but is not limited to removal of existing improvements, grading, installation of curb, gutters, driveways, storm drain and tie in paving. The project is subject to the American Iron and Steel (AIS) provisions of P.L. 113-76, Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2014. Compliance with 40 CFR Part 33, Participation by Disadvantaged Business Enterprises in United States Environmental Protection Agency Programs is required. The project includes all common phases of construction customarily associated with this type of project. Sealed bids must be submitted in accordance with the bid documents, drawings and plans, specifications and special conditions related hereto.
1415-165 Complete Bid Document 1415-165 Bid Plans 1415-165 Plan Holders List
1415-165 Addendum 1 1415-165 Addendum 2 1415-165 Complete Bid Tab
1415-164 West Washington Street Storm Drain Improvements
Project Estimate: $90,000 PWP# CC-2015-170
Bid Opening: May 28, 2015 @9:10 a.m.
Recommendation for award: Coons Construction - June 18, 2015 - $96,120.00
Carson City is accepting sealed bids for all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary for the West Washington Street Stormdrain Improvements. The project consists of install 1200 feet of stormdrain pipe, inlets, earthwork, and asphalt concrete patch. The project is subject to the American Iron and Steel (AIS) provisions of P.L. 113-76, Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2014. Compliance with 40 CFR Part 33, Participation by Disadvantaged Business Enterprises in United States Environmental Protection Agency Programs is required. The project includes all common phases of construction customarily associated with this type of project. Sealed bids must be submitted in accordance with the bid documents, drawings and plans, specifications and special conditions related hereto.
1415-164 Complete Bid Document 1415-164 Bid Plan Set 1415-164 Plan Holders List 5/26/15
1415-164 Addendum 1 1415-164 Addendum 2 1415-164 Complete Bid Tab
Coons Bid Response ARMAC Bid Response Horizon Bid Response
1415-163 Beverage Concession Services
Bid Opening: May 14, 2015 @11:10 a.m.
Recommendation for award: Capital Beverage - June 4, 2015 - Not to exceed $125,000.00
Carson City Purchasing and Contracts, on behalf of the Parks and Recreation Department, is accepting sealed bids for Anheuser Busch products to enhance specific Carson City Parks and Recreation Leagues, Tournaments, and Special Events. Sealed bids must be submitted in accordance with the bid documents and specifications related hereto.
1415-163 Complete Bid Document Capital Beverage Response
1415-156 West Eighth Street Sewer Replacement Project
Project Estimate: $176,000.00 PWP# CC-2015-146
Bid Opening: May 7, 2015 @ 1:10 p.m.
Recommendation for award: ARMAC Construction - May 21, 2015 - $147,012.00
Carson City is accepting sealed bids for all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary for the 8th Street Sewer Replacement Project. The project consists of removing and replacing approximately 825’ of existing sewer main, 1 water service, and 5 manholes. This project also includes asphalt patching and replacement of concrete flatwork. The project is subject to the American Iron and Steel (AIS) provisions of P.L. 113-76, Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2014. Compliance with 40 CFR Part 33, Participation by Disadvantaged Business Enterprises in United States Environmental Protection Agency Programs is required. The project includes all common phases of construction customarily associated with this type of project. Sealed bids must be submitted in accordance with the bid documents, drawings and plans, specifications and special conditions related hereto.
1415-156 Complete Bid Document 1415-156 Bid Plan Set 1415-156 Plan Holders List
1415-156 PlanHolders List 430 1415-156 Addendum 1 1415-156 Complete Bid Tab ARMAC Bid Response Peek Bros. Const. Bid Response Reno Tahoe Const. Bid Response
1415-149 Eagle Creek Bid
Bid Opening: May 7, 2015 @11:10 a.m.
Recommendation for award: Contech Engineered Solutions - May 7, 2015 - $39,401.00
Carson City Purchasing and Contracts, on behalf of the Public Works Department, is accepting sealed bids for a fully engineered 57 foot clear span bridge of steel construction. This is a federally funded project which requires all steel in the project to comply with the Buy American Act. Price shall include cost for shipping the completed product to the bridge site in Carson City, Nevada. Shipment shall take place no sooner than 120 calendar days from bid award. Sealed bids must be submitted in accordance with the bid documents and specifications related hereto.
1415-149-Eagle Creek Bid Document 1415-149 Addendum 1 1415-149 Addendum 2
1415-132 Kings Canyon Road Drainage & Sidewalk
Project Estimate: $66,000.00 PWP# CC-2015-090
Recommendation: Reject all bids - Rebid due to funding constraints.
***BID SUBMITTAL CLARIFICATION: May 7, 2015 @2:00 p.m.***
***BID OPENING CLARIFICATION: May 7, 2015 @ 2:10 p.m.***
Carson City is accepting sealed bids for all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary for the Kings Canyon Road Drainage & Sidewalk Improvements. The project consists of install 410 feet of curb/gutter, sidewalk, earthwork, signs, and striping. The project is subject to the American Iron and Steel (AIS) provisions of P.L. 113-76, Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2014. Compliance with 40 CFR Part 33, Participation by Disadvantaged Business Enterprises in United States Environmental Protection Agency Programs is required. The project includes all common phases of construction customarily associated with this type of project. Sealed bids must be submitted in accordance with the bid documents, drawings and plans, specifications and special conditions related hereto.
1415-132 Complete Bid Document 1415-132 Bid Plan Set 1415-132 Plan Holders List
1415-132 Addendum 1 1415-132 Complete Bid Tab ARMAC Bid Response Horizon Bid Response JWC Bid Response Sierra View Bid Response V&C Bid Response
1415-145 RFP for CMAR Services for Downtown Carson Street Improvements
RFP Submittal: April 1, 2015 @ 4:00 p.m.
Recommendation for award: Q & D Construction - May 7, 2015
Carson City invites qualified firms to submit proposals for Construction Manager at Risk Services for the proposed Downtown Carson Street Improvements project as described herein. Proposals shall be submitted in accordance with the Documents and Requirements as set forth in the formal "Request for Proposals."
1415-145 RFP 1415-145 Plan Holders List 1415-145 Addendum 1 1415-145 Addendum 2
1415-143 Carson City Animal Services Facility
Project Estimate: $2,900,000.00 PWP# CC 2015-116
Bid Opening: March 24, 2015 @ 11:10 a.m.
Recommendation: Reject all bids - Rebid due to funding constraints.
Carson City is accepting sealed bids for all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary for the Carson City Animal Services Facility project. The Carson City Animal Services Facility Project consists of an 11,547 square feet building on a 1.5 acre site, including street frontage improvements. The project includes all common phases of construction customarily associated with this type of project. Sealed bids must be submitted in accordance with the bid documents, drawings and plans, specifications and special conditions related hereto.
1415-143 Complete Bid Document 1415-143 Bid Plan Set 1 1415-143 Bid Plan Set 2 1415-143 Bid Plan Set 3 1415-143 Plan Holders List 1415-143 Addendum 1 1415-143 Addendum 1 Revised Plans 1415-143 Plan Holders list 3-12-15 1415-143 Plan Holders List 31615 1415-143 Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting 1415-143 Addendum 2 1415-143 Plan Holders List 31715 1415-143 Addendum 3 1415-143 Addendum 4 1415-143 Plan Holders 32415 1415-143 Complete Bid Tab Bison Bid Response Geney-Gassiot Bid Response Ranger Bid Response Shaheen Beauchamp Bid Response
1415-138 Empire Lift Station Improvements
Project Estimate: $96,000.00 PWP# CC 2015-119
Bid Opening: April 1, 2015 @ 11:10 a.m.
Recommendation: Reject all bids - Rebid due to funding constraints.
Carson City is accepting sealed bids for all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary for the Empire Lift Station Improvement Project. The project consists of upgrading lift station equipment at the Empire Estates Sewer Lift Station. This project also includes installing a light pole and improving the lift station site. The project is subject to the American Iron and Steel (AIS) provisions of P.L. 113-76, Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2014. Compliance with 40 CFR Part 33, Participation by Disadvantaged Business Enterprises in United States Environmental Protection Agency Programs is required. The project includes all common phases of construction customarily associated with this type of project. Sealed bids must be submitted in accordance with the bid documents, drawings and plans, specifications and special conditions related hereto.
1415-138 Complete Bid Document 1415-138 Bid Plans 1415-138 Plan Holders List
1415-138 Addendum 1 1415-138 Pre-Bid Sign In Sheet 1415-138 Addendum 2
1415-103 Western Nevada College Sidewalk Project
Project Estimate: $75,000 PWP# CC 2015-041
***BID SUBMITTAL CLARIFICATION: March 17, 2015 @10:00 a.m.***
***BID OPENING CLARIFICATION: March 17, 2015 @ 10:10 a.m.***
Federal Project #TAP-0025(026)) NDOT Project #73781
Recommendation for award: Justin Wilson Construction - $58,700 - 4/8/15
Carson City is accepting sealed bids for all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary for the above referenced Project. The project consists of constructing approximately 3,200 square feet of concrete sidewalk, 120 feet of curb and gutter, asphalt paving and patch, pedestrian ramps, striping, and signage. Project includes all common phases of construction customarily associated with this type of project.
1415-103 Complete Bid Document 1415-103 Plans 1415-103 Plan Holders List
1415-103 Addendum 1 1415-103 Plan Holders List 3-15-15 1415-103 Plan Holders list 3-16-15 1415-103 Complete Bid Tab Justin Wilson Bid Response Coons Bid Response
MNW Construction Bid Response Peek Brothers Bid Response Spanish Springs Bid Response
1415-126 Ash Canyon Water Tank Re-Paint
Project Estimate: $245,000.00 PWP# CC-2015-063
Bid Opening: February 11, 2015 @ 11:10 a.m.
Recommendation for award: Resource Development Company, $247,786.00 - 3/5/15
Carson City is accepting sealed bids for all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary for the Ash Canyon Water Tank Re-Paint project. The Ash Tank Recoating Project consists of removing the existing coatings from the interior of the Ash Canyon Water Tank and re-painting the tank’s interior. Re-coating the exterior of the tank is included as a bid alternate. The exterior of the water tank contains lead which may require hazardous material disposal. The interior of the tank has a tar like coating that will need to be removed. The project includes all common phases of construction customarily associated with this type of project. The tank is approximately 130 feet in diameter and approximately 32 feet tall. The area of 36,000 square feet listed in the bid summary is only an approximation of the total interior roof, wall and floor surface areas and does not include any additional square footage for beams and columns. Re-painting of the beams, columns and other items is included in the scope of work and shall be included in the contractors bid. Sealed bids must be submitted in accordance with the bid documents, drawings and plans, specifications and special conditions related hereto.
1415-126 Complete Bid Document 1415-126 Non-mandatory pre-bid sign in 1415-126 Addendum 1 1415-126 Plan Holders List 1415-126 Complete Bid Tab Resource Development Bid Response Blastco Bid Response Olympus Bid Response Riley Indust. Bid Response Simpson Bid Response Western Partition Bid Response
1415-124 Carson City Landfill Entrance Repair
Project Estimate: $170,000.00 PWP# CC-2015-064
***BID SUBMITTAL CHANGE: February 4, 2015 @11:00 a.m.***
***BID OPENING CHANGE: February 4, 2015 @ 11:10 a.m.***
Recommendation for award: Armac Construction, LLC - $139,611.00 - February 19, 2015
The Carson City Landfill Entrance Repair Project consists of removal and replacement of existing concrete and asphalt at the inbound and outbound scales at the Carson City Landfill as well as drainage improvements including abandoning the existing drain lines, re-establishing a rock lined ditch, and constructing concrete valley gutters. This project also includes installing speed bumps, a light pole, electrical conduit and electrical wire. Sealed bids must be submitted in accordance with the bid documents, drawings and plans, specifications and special conditions related hereto.
1415-124 Complete Bid Document 1415-124 Plans 1415-124 Geotech Report
1415-124 Plan Holders list 1-23-15 1415-124 Plan Holders List 129 1415-124 Complete Addendum 1 1415-124 Complete Bid Tab Armac Bid Response A & K Bid Response Coons Bid Response Cruz Bid Response FW Carson Bid Response Impact Bid Response JWC Bid Response MKD Bid Response RaPiD Bid Response SNC Bid Response
1415-123 Performance Contract for Energy/Operating Cost Saving Measures
RFP Submittal: February 9, 2015 @ 11:00 a.m.
***SUBMITTAL CHANGE: February 12, 2015 @3:00 p.m.***
Shortlisted Three Firms - Ameresco, Climatec and Southland
Carson City invites qualified firms to submit proposals for Performance Contract for Energy/Operating Cost Saving Measures. Proposals shall be submitted in accordance with the Documents and Requirements as set forth in the formal "Request for Proposals."
1415-123 Energy Performance RFP 1415-123 Addendum 1 1415-123 Sign In Sheet for Facility Tour 1415-123 Addendum 2 1415-123 Addendum 3
1415-122 External Audit RFP
RFP Submittal: February 6, 2015 @ 11:00 a.m.
Recommendation for award: Eide Bailly LLP - March 19, 2015
Carson City (CITY) invites qualified firms of Certified Public Accountants to submit Statement of Qualifications (S.O.Q.) to audit Carson City’s financial statements for the fiscal years ending June 30, 2015, June 30, 2016 and June 30, 2017.
1415-122 External Audit RFP 1415-122 Addendum 1
1415-112 Downtown Carson Street Urban Design Project
RFP Submittal: December 18, 2014 @2:00 p.m.
Recommendation for award: Lumos & Associates - $1,136,026.00 - February 19, 2015
Carson City invites qualified firms to submit proposals for the Downtown Carson Street Urban Design Project. Proposals shall be submitted in accordance with the Documents and Requirements as set forth in the formal "Request for Proposals."
1415-112 Downtown Carson Street Urban Design RFP 1415-112 Addendum #1 1415-112 Addendum 2
1415-104 On-call Engineering Review Assistance
RFP Submittal: December 16, 2014 @2:00 p.m.
Recommendation: Three firms were shortlisted for On-Call: Charles Abbott Associates, Inc.; Manhard Consulting LTD and Resource Concepts Inc.
Carson City invites qualified firms to submit proposals for On-call Engineering Review Assistance. Proposals shall be submitted in accordance with the Documents and Requirements as set forth in the formal "Request for Proposals."
1415-104 On Call Engineering Review Assistance 1415-104 Addendum 1
1415-094 RFP for Carson City Fair Grounds/Fuji Park Sign
RFP Submittal: November 18, 2014 @2:00 p.m.
Carson City invites qualified firms to submit proposals for the purchase of a sign to be installed at the Carson City Fair Grounds/Fuji Park. Proposals shall be submitted in accordance with the Documents and Requirements as set forth in the formal "Request for Proposals."
1415-094 COMPLETE RFP 1415-094 Addendum 1
1415-092 Bid for Warehouse Inventory
Bid Opening: November 7, 2014 @11:10 a.m.
***BID SUBMITTAL CHANGE: November 12, 2014 @11:00 a.m.***
***BID OPENING CHANGE: November 12, 2014 @ 11:10 a.m.***
Recommended for award: Western Nevada Supply Company - December 4, 2014
Carson City is accepting sealed bids for water, sewer, storm drain, streets and landfill inventory material/parts. The contract shall be a firm-fixed price contract. Sealed bids must be submitted in accordance with the bid documents and specifications related hereto.
1415-092 Bid Document 1415-092 Addendum 1
1415-063 JohnD Winters Centennial Park ADA Improvements
Project Estimate: $103,518.45 PWP# CC-2014-329
Bid Opening: October 6, 2014 @ 1:10 p.m.
Recommendation for award: V & C Construction - $104,982.50 - November 6, 2014
Carson City is accepting sealed bids for all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary for the Centennial Park ADA Improvements Project. The project consists of improving access into and around Centennial Park’s Upper Sports Complex. The project also includes new paving, concrete flatwork, concrete curbing, irrigation sleeves, signage, striping and all common phases of construction customarily associated with this type of project. Sealed bids must be submitted in accordance with the bid documents, drawings and plans, specifications and special conditions related hereto.
1415-063 Complete Bid Document 1415-063 Plan Set 1415-063 Plan Holders List 1415-063 Complete Bid Tab Coons Construction Bid Response V & C Bid Response Sierra View Bid Response
1415-061 Sodium Hypochlorite Tank Replacement Project
Project Estimate: $340,000.00 PWP# CC-2014-330
Bid Opening: October 9, 2014 @11:10 a.m.
***BID OPENING TIME CHANGE: October 15, 2014 @11:10 A.M.
Recommendation for award: K.G. Walters Construction Co., Inc. - $499,500.00 - November 6, 2014
Carson City is accepting sealed bids for all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary for the Wastewater Reclamation Plant Sodium Hypochlorite Tank Replacement Project. Project consists of removing and replacing two existing sodium hypochlorite tanks as well as replacing all plumbing and constructing a containment basin around the new tanks. The project also consists of installing two new emergency eyewash/shower stations, upgrading the building's electrical and controls, and installing a new sodium hypochlorite line to the RAS. The project is subject to the American Iron and Steel (AIS) provisions of P.L. 113-76, Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2014. Compliance with 40 CFR Part 33, Participation by Disadvantaged Business Enterprises in United States Environmental Protection Agency Programs is required. The project includes all common phases of construction customarily associated with this type of project. Sealed bids must be submitted in accordance with the bid documents, drawings and plans, specifications and special conditions related hereto.
1415-061 Complete Bid Document 1415-061 Plan Set Pre_bid Mandatory Meeting sign in sheet 1415-061 Addendum #1 1415-061 Addendum #2 1415-061 Addendum #3
1415-061 Bid Tab KG Walter Bid Response RDC Bid Response
1415-065 E. Nye Lane Pedestrian Improvements
Project Estimate: $115,215.00 PWP# CC-2014-328
Bid Opening: September 22, 2014 @ 11:10 a.m.
Recommendation for award: V & C Construction - $92,086.15 - October 8, 2014
Carson City is accepting sealed bids for all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary for the Nye Lane Pedestrian Improvements Project. Project consists of removal and replacement of curb and gutter, driveway, and sidewalk, as well as construction of pedestrian ramps, asphalt patching, and utility adjustments. The project includes all common phases of construction customarily associated with this type of project. Sealed bids must be submitted in accordance with the bid documents, drawings and plans, specifications and special conditions related hereto.
1415-065 Complete Bid Document 1415-065 Plan Set 1415-065 Plan Holders List 1415-065 Complete Bid Tab V & C Const. Bid Response RaPiD Bid Response Sierra View Bid Response Spanish Springs Bid Response
1415-051 Paratransit Bus Procurement
Project Estimate: $250,000.00
Bid Opening: September 29, 2014 @ 2:10 p.m.
Recommendation for award: Creative Bus Sales - ARBOC - $122,116.00 - November 12, 2014
Carson City is accepting sealed bids for all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary to provide for new 2015 23-foot-long paratransit buses capable of seating 15 forward-facing ambulatory adult passengers, or two (2) wheelchair securement stations (with 13 ambulatory passengers), a driver, and a front, curb-side wheelchair ramp. Procuring agency requests proposals for the manufacture and delivery of two (2) paratransit buses in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth. The City will reserve the right to buy one (1) additional paratransit bus within eight (8) months from the date of award of this contract. The contract shall be a firm-fixed price contract. Sealed bids must be submitted in accordance with the bid documents and specifications related hereto.
1415-051 Complete Bid Document 1415-051 Bid Tab
1415-018 Pheasant Drive Sewer Rehabilitation
Project Estimate: $102,000.00 PWP # CC 2014-288
Bid Opening: September 11, 2014 @11:10 a.m **Note change from Newspaper Ad*
Recommendation for award: Insituform Technologies- $109,728.00 - October 2, 2014
The Pheasant Drive Sewer Rehabilitation project consists of re-lining 1,060 linear feet of 8” ACP pipe and reconnecting and reinforcing 8 laterals along Pheasant Drive. Work includes but is not limited to cleaning the existing pipe to be re-lined, videoing the existing pipe to be re-lined, re-lining the specified pipe, reconnecting and reinforcing and existing laterals, and videoing the re-lined pipe. Sealed bids must be submitted in accordance with the bid documents, drawings and plans, specifications and special conditions related hereto.
1415-018 Comp. Bid Document 1415-018 Complete Plan Set 1415-018 Addendum 1 1415-018 Plan Holders List 1415-018 Plan Holders List 9/9/14 Insituform Bid Response
1415-019 Fleet Facility Expansion
Project Estimate: $1,039,540.36 PWP # CC 2014-289
Bid Opening: September 10, 2014 @11:10 a.m.
Recommendation for award: Geney/Gassiot - $1,456,097.00 - October 2, 2014
The Fleet Facility Expansion Project consists of adding office space and two maintenance bays to the existing Fleet Facility located at 3303 Butti Way. The project also consists of additive alternates to include new trench drains in the existing facility, a new wash bay, upper level interior finishes, concrete aprons on the north and south side of the new facility expansion, demolition of the existing interior two-story office/restroom wood structure, and mechanical and electrical work in the existing building. The project is subject to the Buy America provisions of 49 U.S.C. 5323(j) and 49 C.F.R. Part 661. Compliance with 49 CFR Part 26, Participation by Disadvantaged Business Enterprises in Department of Transportation Financial Assistance Programs is required. Sealed bids must be submitted in accordance with the bid documents, drawings and plans, specifications and special conditions related hereto.
1415-019 Complete Bid Document 1415-019 Plan Set 1 1415-019 Plan Set 2 1415-019 Plan Set 3 1415-019 Plan Set 4 1415-019 Plan Holders List 1415-019 Addendum 1 1415-019 Prebid Meeting Sign In Sheet 1415-019 Plan Holders list 8/26/14 1415-019 Addendum #2 1415-019 Addendum 3 1415-018 Plan Holders List 9/9/14 1415-019 Complete Bid Tab Geney/Gassiot Bid Response Bison Bid Response Building Solutions Bid Response Frank Lepori Bid Response Reyman Bid Response Shaheen Beauchamp Bid Response
1415-049 RFP for Refresh Carson
RFP Submittal: August 29, 2014 @3:00 p.m.
Carson City invites qualified firms to submit proposals for Refresh Carson City Capital Projects Public Outreach Assistance. Proposals shall be submitted in accordance with the Documents and Requirements as set forth in the formal "Request for Proposals."
1415-047 RFP for P-Card Services
RFP Submittal: September 2, 2014 @3:00 p.m.
Recommendation for award: Bank of America Merrill Lynch - $289,000.00 - September 17, 2014
Carson City invites interested firms to submit proposals for a professional services contract for Procurement Card, (P-Card) Services. Proposals shall be submitted in accordance with the Documents and Requirements as set forth in the formal "Request For Proposals" (RFP).
1415-047 RFP for P-Card Services
1415-028 5th Street Pedestrian Improvements Project
Project Estimate: $255,695.00 PWP # CC 2014-308
Bid Opening: August 29, 2014 @9:10 a.m.
Recommendation for award: Horizon Construction - $289,000.00 - September 10, 2014
Carson City is accepting sealed bids for all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary for the Fifth Street Pedestrian Improvements Project. Project consists of removal and replacement of curb and gutter, driveway, and sidewalk, as well as construction of pedestrian ramps, concrete valley gutter and spandrels, asphalt patching, and utility adjustments. The project includes all common phases of construction customarily associated with this type of project. Sealed bids must be submitted in accordance with the bid documents, drawings and plans, specifications and special conditions related hereto.
1415-028 Complete Bid Document 1415-028 Plan Set 1415-028 Plan Holders List 8/18 1415-028 Addendum 1 1415-028 Plan Holders 8/26/14 1415-028 Addendum 2 1415-028 Plan Holders List 8/28/14 Horizon Bid Response A & K Bid Response RaPiD Bid Response SNC Bid REsponse Sierra View Bid ResponseSpanish Springs Bid Response 1415-028 Complete Bid Tab
RFP #1415-031 Nevada State Prison Inventory, Evaluation and National Register Nomination
RFP Submittal: July 30, 2014 @ 2:00 p.m.
Carson City invites qualified firms to submit proposals for Nevada State Prison Inventory, Evaluation and National Register Nomination. Proposals shall be submitted in accordance with the Documents and Requirements as set forth in the formal "Request for Proposals."
1314-184 Sugarloaf Communications Site Project - Rebid
Project Estimate: $280,000.00 PWP# CC 2014-208
Bid Opening: July 9, 2014 @ 2:10 p.m.
Recommendation for award: RADCO Communications - $272,298 - July 15, 2014
Carson City is accepting sealed bids for all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary for the Sugarloaf Public Safety Communications Site Project. The Sugarloaf Public Safety Communications site will consist of a city furnished pre-fabricated communications shelter and propane standby generator. The Site will also consist of two contractor furnished propane tanks, a contractor furnished power and communications rack, a contractor furnished 80’ lattice communications tower, and a bid alternate for the contractor to furnish a chain-link fence, gate, and gravel path as shown on the plans and in the project specifications.
1314-184 Rebid Complete Document 1314-184 Rebid Plan Set 1 1314-184 Rebid Plan Set 2 1314-184 Plan Holders List 1314-184 Plan Holders List - Rebid
Building Solutions Bid NNE Construction Bid RADCO Bid Sabre Industries Bid
1314-213 2014 Long Line Striping Program
Project Estimate: 135,557.40 PWP #CC 2014-261
Bid Opening: July 9, 2014 @ 9:10 a.m.
Recommendation for award: Intermountain Slurry Seal - $156,569.30 - July 15, 2014
Carson City is accepting sealed bids for the 2014 Long Line Program Contract. The project consists of restriping existing long line, removing existing pavement striping where directed and reinstalling pavement striping, pedestrian and vehicular traffic control including light plants. This project includes all common phases of construction customarily associated with this type of project.
1314-213 Complete Bid Document 1314-213 Plan Set 1314-213 Plan Holders List 1314-213 Addendum 1
Intermountain Slurry Seal Bid 1314-213 Complete Bid Tab
1314-214 2014 Street Maintenance Project
Project Estimate: $830,207.20 PWP #CC 2014-262
Bid Opening: July 9, 2014 @ 1:10 p.m.
Carson City is accepting sealed bids for the 2014 Street Maintenance Contract. The project consists of placing approximately 3800 Tons of Type 2 slurry seal, placing approximately 1124 Tons of Type 3 micro surfacing, removing existing pavement striping and symbols and reinstalling pavement striping and symbols after seal is placed, preparation of surface for seal and pavement marking, pedestrian and vehicular traffic control. This project includes all common phases of construction customarily associated with this type of project.
1314-214 Complete Bid Document 1314-214 Plan Set 1314-214 Plan Holders List 1314-214 Addendum 1 1314-214 Addendum 2 1314-214 Revised Addendum 2
Intermountain Slurry Seal Bid Morgan Pavement Bid Sierra Nevada Construction Bid VSS International Bid
1314-175 East West Water Transmission Main Project - Ph. 2A-1 - Rebid
Project Estimate: $2,100,000.00 PWP # CC 2014-180
Bid Opening: July 9, 2014 @ 11:10 a.m.
Recommendation for award: Sierra Nevada Construction - $2,029,007 - July 11, 2014
Carson City is accepting sealed bids for all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary for the East West Water Transmission Main Project – Phase 2A-1. The project consists of but not limited to construction of approximately 3,800 lf of 24” watermain and related appurtenances, installation of approximately 11,400 lf of conduit with pull string, construction of approximately 24 lf of storm drain and related appurtenances, construction of approximately 10,500 sf of sidewalk, curb ramps and valley gutter, approximately 126,000 sf of roadway reconstruction, as well as asphalt and concrete patching. The project is subject to the American Iron and Steel (AIS) provisions of P.L. 113-76, Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2014. Compliance with 40 CFR Part 33, Participation by Disadvantaged Business Enterprises in United States Environmental Protection Agency Programs is required. The project includes, but is not limited to, trench excavation, boring, new pipe and related appurtenances, trench backfill, asphalt and concrete replacement and all other common phases of construction customarily associated with this type of project. Sealed bids must be submitted in accordance with the bid documents, drawings and plans, specifications and special conditions related hereto.
1314-175 Rebid Bid Document 1314-175 Plan Set 1 1314-175 Plan Set 2 1314-175 Plan Set 3 1314-175 Plan Set 4 1314-175 Plan Set 5 1314-175 Plan Holders List 1314-175 Rebid Addendum 1 1314-175 Addendum 2 Rebid 1314-175 Addendum #3 Rebid
A&K Earth Movers Bid Sierra NV Construction Bid Spanish Springs Construction Bid Peek Brothers Bid
1314-164 Safe Route to School, Hells Bells Road Pedestrian Improvements
Project Estimate: $175,000.00 PWP# CC 2014-143
Bid Opening: June 24, 2014 @10:10 a.m.
Recommendation for award: Coons Construction, LLC - $169,255 - June 24, 2014
Federal Project #SI-0025(022) NDOT Project #73740
Carson City is accepting sealed bids for all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary for the above referenced Project. The project consists of constructing approximately 12,500 square feet of concrete sidewalk, 1500 feet of curb and gutter, asphalt paving and patch, pedestrian ramps, storm drain, and fence. Project includes all common phases of construction customarily associated with this type of project. Bids must be submitted in accordance with this Bid document.
1314-164 Complete Bid Document 1314-164 Bid Plan Set 1314-164 Plan Holders List
A&K Earthmovers Bid Response Coons Bid Response Horizon Bid Response MKD Bid Response Qualcon Bid Response Rapid Bid Response V&C Bid Response
1314-164 Complete Bid Tabulation
1314-194 BMX Track Lighting Project
Project Estimate: $188,955.00 PWP# CC 2014-237
Bid Opening: June 10, 2014 @ 11:10 a.m.
Recommendation for award: Impact Construction- $169,699.95 - July 3, 2014
Carson City is accepting sealed bids for all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary for the BMX Track Lighting Project. Project consists of installing 6 lights around the BMX track and all associated electrical conduit, wiring, boxes and other necessary work as shown in the construction documents. This project also includes an additive alternate to install electrical boxes and conduit to underground the NV Energy and AT&T lines that currently run overhead above the track. Sealed bids must be submitted in accordance with the bid documents, drawings and plans, specifications and special conditions related hereto.
1314-194 Complete Bid Document 1314-194 Plan Set 1314-194 Plan Holders List
Impact Bid Response Briggs Bid Response Coons Bid Response Curtis & Sons Bid Response Horizon Bid Response Mesquite Bid Response Par Electrical Bid Response
1314-184 Sugarloaf Communications Site Project
Project Estimate: $200,000.00 PWP# CC 2014-208
Bid Opening: May 22, 2014 @ 11:10 a.m.
Recommendation: Reject all Bids - Rebid
Carson City is accepting sealed bids for all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary for the Sugarloaf Communication Site Project. Project consists of providing and installing an 80’ lattice communication tower, two 500 gallon propane tanks, communication rack, concrete pads and perimeter fence. The project will also consist of hauling and securing a city furnished 12’ x 10’ pre-fabricated communications shelter and 60KVA propane standby generator with an automatic transfer switch. Sealed bids must be submitted in accordance with the bid documents, drawings and plans, specifications and special conditions related hereto.
1314-184 Complete Bid Document 1314-184 Bid Plan Set 1 1314-184 Bid Plan Set 2 1314-184 Plan Holders List 1314-184 Addendum #1 1314-184 Addendum 2
RADCO Bid Response SABRE Bid Response 1314-184 Bid Tab
1314-185 Fuji Park Electrical Infrastructure Project
Project Estimate: $115,000.00 PWP# CC 2014-209
Bid Opening: May 22, 2014 @ 10:10 a.m.
Recommendation for award: Briggs Electric - $112,175.00 Base Bid + Bid Alternate BP. 7 - June 5, 2014
Carson City is accepting sealed bids for all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary for the Fuji Park Electrical Infrastructure Project. Project consists of installation of light poles, light fixtures, electrical panels and related appurtenances. Sealed bids must be submitted in accordance with the bid documents, drawings and plans, specifications and special conditions related hereto.
1314-185 Complete Bid Document 1314-185 Bid Plan Set 1314-185 Plan Holders List 1314-185 Addendum 1 1314-185 Addendum 2 1314-185 Plan Holders list 5/21/14
Briggs Bid Response Creekside Bid Response Merit Bid Response Mesquite Bid Response Par Electrical Bid Response 1314-185 Complete Bid Tab
1314-175 East West Water Transmission Main Project - Ph. 2A-1
Project Estimate: $2,100,000.00 PWP # CC 2014-180
Bid Opening: May 8, 2014 @ 11:10 a.m.
Recommendation: Reject all Bids - June 5, 2014
Carson City is accepting sealed bids for all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary for the East West Water Transmission Main Project – Phase 2A-1. The project consists of but not limited to construction of approximately 3,800 lf of 24” watermain and related appurtenances, installation of approximately 11,400 lf of conduit with pull string, construction of approximately 24 lf of storm drain and related appurtenances, construction of approximately 10,500 sf of sidewalk, curb ramps and valley gutter, approximately 126,000 sf of roadway reconstruction, as well as asphalt and concrete patching. The project is subject to the American Iron and Steel (AIS) provisions of P.L. 113-76, Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2014. Compliance with 40 CFR Part 33, Participation by Disadvantaged Business Enterprises in United States Environmental Protection Agency Programs is required. The project includes, but is not limited to, trench excavation, boring, new pipe and related appurtenances, trench backfill, asphalt and concrete replacement and all other common phases of construction customarily associated with this type of project. Sealed bids must be submitted in accordance with the bid documents, drawings and plans, specifications and special conditions related hereto.
1314-175 Complete Bid Document 314-175 Plan Set 1 1314-175 Plan Set 2 1314-175 Plan Set 3 1314-175 Plan Set 4 1314-175 Plan Set 5 1314-175 Plan Holders List
1314-175 Planholders list 4/29/14 1314-175 Addendum 1 1314-175 Plan Holders List 5-5-14
1314-175 Addendum #2 1314-175 Addendum #3 1314-175 Plan Holders List 5/7/14 1314-175 Complete Bid Tab A & K Bid Response A & K 2 hour List SNC Bid Response Spanish Springs Bid Response Q & D Bid Response RaPiD Bid Response
1314-155 Fairgrounds Arena Picnic Shelter Project
Project Estimate: $102,362.00 PWP# CC 2014-108
***NOTICE*** Bid Submittal Time has changed to 4:00 p.m. on February 20,2014
Bid Opening: ***February 20, 2014 @4:10 p.m.***
Recommendation for award: Horizon Construction, Inc. - $82,724.00 - March 6, 2014
Carson City is accepting sealed bids for all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary for the Fairgrounds Arena Picnic Shelter Project. Project consists of constructing a new access ramp, concrete slab, and picnic shelter as well as installing electrical pull boxes, electrical conduit, and irrigation sleeves. Sealed bids must be submitted in accordance with the bid documents, drawings and plans, specifications and special conditions related hereto.
1314-155 Complete Bid Document 1314-155 Plan Set 1314-155 Plan Holders List
1314-155 Plan Holders list 2/12/14 1314-155 Plan Holders list 2/13/14 1314-155 Complete Addendum #1 1314-155 Plan Holders List 2/19/14 1314-155 Complete Bid Tab Bid Response Horizon Construction Bid Response Building Solutions Bid Response Cruz Construction Bid Response Facilities Management Bid Response Houston Smith Bid Response Howe Construction Bid Response Building SolutionsBid Response Sierra View Equipment Bid Response Spanish Springs
1314-142 Costco Intertie and Vista Grande Waterline
****NOTICE**** Bid Submittal Date Change: March 12, 2014 @11:00 a.m.
Project Estimate: $1,200,000.00 PWP# CC 2014-096
Bid Opening: ***March 12, 2014 @ 11:10 a.m.***
Recommendation for award: Sierra Nevada Construction, Inc. - $1,129,007.00 - April 6, 2014
Carson City is accepting sealed bids for all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary for the Costco Intertie and Vista Grande Waterline Project. The project consists of, but not limited to, installing approximately 1,376-feet of new 14” PVC water line in Vista Grande Blvd from Old Clear Creek Road to Topsy Lane, 1,750- feet of new 12” PVC in Old Clear Creek Road and PRVs (with vaults, sample hydrants, and flow meters) in Carson City and Douglas County, Nevada. This project also includes roadway improvements in Old Clear Creek Road and Vista Grande Boulevard. These improvements include approximately 40,000 square feet of paving, 1,080 lineal feet of curb and gutter, and 7,250 square feet of sidewalk, , associated roadway ditch, 400 lineal feet of 24” RCP storm drain with associated manholes and end sections. The project also includes the construction of approximately 7,300-feet of new 4” PVC conduit. This project is subject to the Buy America Federal Policy. The project includes, but is not limited to, all trench excavation, new pipe and related appurtenances, trench backfill, asphalt and concrete replacement and all other common phases of construction customarily associated with this type of project. Sealed bids must be submitted in accordance with the bid documents, drawings and plans, specifications and special conditions related hereto.
1314-142 Complete Bid Document Attachment C Attachment D Plan Sheet Set 1
1314-142 Plan Sheet Set 2 1314-142 Plan Sheet Set 3 1314-142 Plan Holders List Plan Holders list 2/3/14 1314-142 Addendum 1 1314-142 Plan Holders list 2/10/14 1314-142 Addendum 2 1314-142 Plan Holders list 2/11/14 1314-142 Complete Addendum 3 1314-142 Complete Bid Tab SNC Bid Response A & K Bid Response Burdick Bid Response Campbell Bid Response Gerhardt & Berry Bid Response Granite Bid Response Herback Bid Response RaPiD Bid Response RTC Bid Response
1314-139 SOQ for Veterinarian Services
SOQ Submittal: January 30, 2014 @5:00 p.m.
Carson City invites interested individuals and firms to submit Statement of Qualifications (S.O.Q.) to perform the City's Veterinarian Services. The selected individual or firm will perform veterinary services as directed by Carson City Health & Human Services Director. Proposals shall be submitted in accordance with the Documents and Requirements as set forth in the formal "Request for Statements of Qualifications."
1314-134 Fuji Park/Fairgrounds Maintenance Building
****NOTICE**** Bid Submittal Date Change: January 21, 2014 @11:00 a.m.
Project Estimate: $78,000.00 PWP# CC-2014-071
Bid Opening: ***January 21, 2014 @ 11:10 a.m.***
Recommendation for award: Coons Construction, Inc. - $75,444.00 - February 6, 2014
Carson City is accepting sealed bids for all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary for the above referenced Fuji Park Maintenance Building. The project consists of constructing a 1,680 square foot insulated maintenance building, install 225' of chain link fence with barb wire and additive alternates to pour concrete slab within the building and place a type II base driveway and building pad. The project includes all common phases of construction customarily associated with this type of project.
1314-134 Bid Document 1314-134 Fuji Park Maint. Bldg. Plans 1314-134 Plan Holders List
1314-134 Addendum 1 Addendum #2 Plan Holders List 1-17-14 Rev. Plan Holders 1-17-14
1314-134 Bid Tab Coons Bid Response Coons 2 hour list Building Solutions Bid Response Horizon Bid Response Howe Bid Response Lepori Bid Response Ranger Bid Response Reyman Bros. Bid Response Shaheen Beauchamp Bid Response
1314-132 RFP for Construction Manager at Risk for Wastewater Reclamation Plant
RFP Submittal: January 21, 2014 @ 4:00 p.m. (local time) PWP# CC-2014-072
Mandatory Pre-submittal: January 7, 2014 @ 1:00 p.m. at 3505 Butti Way, Carson City
Two firms were short listed for oral Interviews: Kiewit Construction Company
KG Walters/Q&D Joint Venture
Recommendation for award: KG Walters/Q&D A Joint Venture - $293,500.00 - March 20, 2014 - Preconstruction Services
Carson City invites qualified firms to submit proposals for Construction Manager at Risk Services for the proposed Wastewater Reclamation Plant Improvements project as described herein. The estimated construction cost is $29M and anticipated to start construction in early winter of 2014. Proposals shall be submitted in accordance with the Documents and Requirements as set forth in the formal "Request for Proposals."
RFP for CMAR WWTP Pre-bid Meeting signin sheet Pre-bid Meeting Power Point presentation 1314-132 Addendum 1
1314-129 SOQ for Public Works Services
SOQ Submittal: January 16, 2014, @5:00 p.m.
SOQ RESULTS: 1314-129 SOQ Results
Carson City invites consulting firms to submit SOQ's for a professional services contract for various infrastructure and facility projects that are programmed over the next few years. Projects may include street rehabilitation, water and sewer rehabilitation and others. Proposals shall be submitted in accordance with the Documents and Requirements as set forth in the formal "Request for Statements of Qualifications."
SOQ #1314-129 SOQ for Public Works Services
1314-101 RFP for ADA Transition Plan and Sidewalk Inventory
RFP Submittal: October 31, 2013 @2:00 p.m.
Recommendation for award: Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. - $190,000.00 - March 12, 2014
Carson City invites qualified firms to submit proposals for ADA Transition Plan and Sidewalk Inventory. Proposals shall be submitted in accordance with the Documents and Requirements set forth in the formal "Request for Proposals."
RFP 1314-101 ADA Transition Plan and Sidewalk Inv. RFP 1314-101 MAP